Dear Doctor Love,
My girlfriend is always asking me questions. Where she comes up with them from I don’t know. Last week she asked me if I thought her butt was too big and I said no because I don’t think it is. She got upset because she said she knows her butt is too big and wants to know why I would lie to her about it.
This week she asked me if I had ever cheated on a girlfriend. I’m not stupid enough to tell her yes so I told her no. Then she mentioned that when I first started seeing her I was with someone else. I tried to explain to her that it was different because I didn’t really care about my ex-girlfriend and that she is the one I love. She says if I lie to one I will lie to the other.
This is starting to drive me crazy. These questions are simple yes and no questions but there is nothing simple about whatever answer I give. I think if I said her butt was too big she would have gotten mad and that if I said I had cheated on a girlfriend she would get mad about that, too. So it seems that no matter what answer I give I’m screwed.
Is there any way to tell which answer is right or wrong before I give it?
/s/ Going Nuts
Dear Going,