Football fanatics in San Pedro Town flocked the Ambergris Stadium on Saturday, September 7th to attend the international friendly match between the current national champions, San Pedro Pirates and the Mexican football club Atlante.

The visiting team, hailing from Cancun, Mexico, overcame the island team, dominating most of the game and taking back home the 4-0 victory.
Following the formalities of the match, which included the invocation of the national anthems of Belize and Mexico, the ball began rolling on the pitch at 8PM. San Pedro Pirates had a good start, giving Atlante some competition. The island boys made several attempts to open the score with no luck. A few minutes before the end of the first half Atlante began pressuring the Pirates, cutting down their attacks and netting the first goal of the game.
Atlante dominated most of the second half of the game and shortly after, they scored another goal. The Pirates tried to close the gap, but Atlante netted a third goal via a long shot. Pirates’ game plan seemed to be more defensive, rather than attacking, and the Mexican team took advantage of this game change and scored its fourth and final goal. The island team continued making several attempts to get the ball past their opponent’s goal post, but it never happened. At the end of the long whistle, Atlante comfortably walked away with a 4-0 win.
Both teams were commended after the friendly match and the San Pedro Pirates Committee thanked Atlante for accepting the invitation.

Organizers thank all fans who attended the game and the sponsors who made the match possible. They look forward to hosting other future international games on the island.