As part of the Green Climate Fund (GCF)-funded Readiness Support for Strengthening Belize Private Sector Access to Climate Finance Project, a kick-off meeting was convened on November 16, 2021 to launch a collaborative process with a Private Sector Focus Group of key Belizean private sector partners. These partners belong to a broad range of organisations, from large corporations with in-depth sectoral expertise, financial institutions and regulators, national institutions promoting private sector engagement and inclusion, and trade associations.
The following organizations have committed participation: Central Bank of Belize, National Garifuna Council, National Women’s Commission, Ya’axche Conservation Trust, Development Finance Corporation, Friends for Conservation and Development, Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association, Belize Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors, Belize Association of Planners, BELTRAIDE, Economic Development Council and Belize Tourism Industry Association.