The extravaganza of the anticipated 2017 Belikin Calendar came to La Isla Bonita on Saturday, December 10th. At a mini launch party hosted at the popular Palapa Bar and Grill, island residents and visitors had the chance to get their copy of the calendar signed by two of the featured models. Present at the event were Miss April, Dianira Rivera from San Pedro Town and Miss August, Miriam McCoy from Belize City.
After the main launch of the calendar on November, 26th in Belize City, Belikin has been holding a series of mini-launch parties across the country for those who could not attend the official event. At Palapa Bar and Grill, patrons could obtain a copy of the calendar after purchasing a bucket of beer. Local island residents took the opportunity to congratulate Rivera, thanking her for representing the island. McCoy’s calendar shot was taken at Palapa Bar before the devastating Hurricane Earl in August of this year. She was happy to see the bar up and running again after it was completely destroyed by the hurricane.
The popularity of the annual calendar attracted many, who happily grabbed their signed copy. Tourists joined in on the fun, buying copies for their loved ones back home. They all had the chance to greet and even take their picture with the models.
The Belikin team that worked on the calendar shots at Palapa Bar shared their experience of capturing the shot. They had to be up by 3AM in order to capture a perfect sunrise. After several shots on the water, and on the pier, the final picture was chosen featuring McCoy on the pier with a colourful sunrise at her back.
Belikin would like to thank everyone who came out to the mini-launch party. The last two launch events will be on Saturday, December 17th .The first one at the Pelican Beach in Dangriga Town, while the second will be at the Hi5 Pub and Night Club in Orange Walk Town on that same day.

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