On December 16, 2022, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MoECST) received a donation of 79 laptops and Chromebooks from Build Belize Inc.
Mr. Raymond Gongora, Build Belize Inc. Vice-Chair, and Ms. Grace Pate, Build Belize Inc. Treasurer, were present to deliver the devices to Mrs. Dian Maheia, Chief Executive Officer, MoECST.
CEO Maheia expressed gratitude on behalf of the ministry for the partnership which has assisted in transforming education for students who are recipients of these devices. She highlighted that the contributions made by members of the diaspora are pivotal in assisting the ministry to achieve its objective of ensuring all students from Standard 4 to Form 4 have access to a device.
This donation is the second of its kind to be made to the MoECST by Build Belize Inc. Earlier this year, the first donation, 133 laptops and Chromebooks, was made to the ministry through the contributions of Belizeans at home and in the diaspora.
Members of the diaspora who are interested in learning more about Build Belize Inc.’s ‘Donate to Educate’ programme can visit the organization’s website at www.buildbelizeinc.org.

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