The deadly mass shooting in the San Pedrito subdivision in the early hours of Monday, October 23rd, left three dead, including a three-year-old baby girl. Four bystanders were injured: Jose Hernandez, 31, Leonel Cornejo, 27, Ivan Guerra, 22, and Randy Guerra, 19. They are recovering at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital in Belize City. This essential medical care comes at an expense, and in the case of the Guerras, their relatives have held fundraisers and are asking the public for help.

The family and supporters hosted a dollar drive in downtown San Pedro on Friday, October 27th. They said the funds needed are for medical bills and the costs of surgeries as Randy is in critical condition. The family can be contacted at 653-5500 for any assistance anyone can provide. There is also a Belize Bank account in the name of Brenda Lopez, #129564010220001, where monetary donations can be made. The Guerra family also calls on blood donors with an O+ blood type for Randy.
According to reports, Randy and Ivan were walking home the night of the shooting and were shot in multiple parts of their body. The hail of gunshots also hit Cornejo and Hernandez. The four were transported to the Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro Polyclinic II and later airlifted to Belize City. Unfortunately, the violent shooting killed Delmar Rodriguez, 25, his baby daughter Amari, and Carlos Chi, who was with him on the golf cart at the time of the attack. The families of Cornejo and Hernandez have shared no fundraising information.

Commissioner of Police Chester Williams strongly condemned the incident and said they were doing everything possible to bring the culprits to justice. On Monday, hours after the shooting incident, police named Christian Espat and Michael Brown as the main suspects. Both Espat and Brown denied the accusation and turned themselves over to the police to prove their innocence. They were both charged on Thursday, October 26th, for Murder, Attempted Murder, and Use of Deadly Means of Harm.