Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Letter to the Editor: The Church, homosexuality and the community


Letters-to-the-EditorDear Editor,
Please allow me a space in your newspaper to direct a few words at a situation that has emerged and is being fuelled by a so-called “Man of God.”
Last week I was disturbed to learn that a person who has dedicated a great amount of time and commitment to the church was practically kicked out of the San Pedro Roman Catholic Church choir by Father Scott. His action, according to Father Scott was necessary because nobody that is a homosexual can assume a role in the church. Furthermore, he thinks that this individual is a bad example to members of the church, with whom they have worked with for the last three years.
Now let me say that I believe in God the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. In addition, let me say that The Bible is a book that teaches good morals: it teaches us to be good people and guides us to do well to our fellow humans during our short stay on earth. The Bible is clear about God’s position on homosexuality and indicates that The Creator made Woman for Man. The law of science is also clear in that for reproduction to happen, you need a male and female element.
However, with the same token, the Bible is also clear about judging each other. In fact, the Bible is firm when it comes to driving people away from God. You see, God is not about rejection but someone who embraces. He does not embrace sin, but the sinner. He does this because by embracing the sinner, the person may eventually gain entrance into eternal life with God. He is clear about “casting stones” when the caster is not sinless. So then, may I ask who died and made Pastor Scott our God and Creator – the person to judge the lifestyle of an equal sinner?
Since Father Scott opened this can of worms, let me be the one to allow all the worms out of the can. The Roman Catholic Church, and by extension Fr Scott, is responsible for thousands of deaths in the name of “Christianity.” We don’t have to go far to understand the ramification of bring Catholicism into the New World. A complete Maya civilization was wiped away in the name of Christianity, and I can go on and on. Furthermore, the same religion, for centuries, has led its member astray, imposing their beliefs and customs rather than building on the very Christian principles that Jesus upheld during his time on earth. For example, Matthew chapter 23verses 8 and 9 is clear about calling a man “Father.” The verse reads, “But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And CALL NO MAN YOUR FATHER upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” Then the most fragrant fault of the church is the changing of the day of worship and rest. God entered and worship in a church on the “Sabbath Day – the seventh day of the week.” However, the Roman Catholic institution decided to change the day of rest and worship to the first day of the week – against the very same teachings of God.
Then one of the requirements of a faithful Catholic is to confess your sins to the priest. That action goes against the very principle of God. The bible is straight forward and in the strongest of terms, warns us that we must never confess our sins to a fellow man including a priest. Confession of sin must be done directly to God because only He has the power to forgive us of our transgressions. 1 John chapter 1 verse 9 reads, “If we confess our sins, he (Jesus Christ) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” In no part of the Bible says we must confess to a Catholic Priest.
On the commendation of saints, praying to the dead and statues, it is also contrary to God’s teaching. The Catholic Apostolic creed says “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints.” But the Bible in 1 Timothy Chapter 2 verse 5 says “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” So for centuries the Catholic Church has misguided Christians into believing something that God opposes.
And since Father Scott does not want this “homosexual” in his church because of their lifestyle, then it is just right to point out something to the pastor. The Roman Catholic Church and their priests are responsible for the sexual abuse of thousands of young boys. Hidden behind the pulpits, clothed with priest’s garments and with the Bible in their hands, are corrupt abusive priests who have raped the innocence of young boys. In fact, because they are protected by their Pope, then it is fair to say, their sinful acts are condoned by the Pope himself. I have never heard the Catholic Church in Belize ask for forgiveness to the thousands of children they have sexually violated, children who live in silence because the church has failed them. Perhaps Father Scott also chooses not to say anything about the sexual abuse within the Catholic institution because they are all covering up their dirty deeds.
Let me also point out to Father Scott that while the people in San Pedro Town are loving, forgiving and humble, we don’t allow anyone to come and fool us into their beliefs. Perhaps you would want to reconsider the practices you do in your church and for example, every time there is a mass, you should omit collecting offering. Let me say why: most of the monies collected from the offering is generated from “sinful” activities conducted on this “sinful island.” So you condemn the sinful acts, kick out the sinful people but welcome the sinful monies during your mass. That is the high level of hypocrisy of the Catholic Church that the institution has been operating with since the foundation of the church.
Nothing is wrong to “call out sin,” but when an institution and its leaders have their transgressions, then they should be the last ones to do so. So then my question to Father Scott is – who are you to judge someone that chooses to live differently?” Your very apostolic creed indicates who the judge is. It reads “He (Jesus) ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.” Your apostolic creed and the Bible does not say “Father Scott shall come to judge the living and the dead.”
Father Scott, have you taken a walk around Belize to see how many people are homeless and in need of a shelter? Have you visited the schools to find out how many children go to school without a meal? What about being the voice of the oppressed and the poor? When was the last time you spent time at the hospital caring for the sick? What about being that reconciliatory voice that seeks to hug the sinner with the hope that they may obtain salvation? None of that matters because you are busy praying the “gay” away from San Pedro.
God is love and nothing that God has created is bad. Those who are homosexual are made with Gods love too, and they have done nothing wrong but to seek true happiness. Let no man judge you but God.
Father Scott, your action is not Godlike because you come to divide and break a community that has been successful long before you were conceived. If you are uncomfortable living and preaching the word of God on this island, then be our guest and seek a place that is perfect in your eyes. I have total respect for people who preach the word of God and live in accordance to God’s commandment. You are not one of them! God will be the only one to judge you on judgment day and I am glad Father Scott will not be on the judging panel.

Jorge Aldana

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