“I thought you were going to see Bruce and Becky this morning,” Sherry said.
“I’m going right now,” I told her. “I’m almost finished putting new strings my guitar.”
“You’ll be too late,” she warned. “They’ve probably already gone to lunch.”
Bruce and Becky from Texas arrived on the island the evening before and I was anxious to visit.
“Which room is Bruce Anderson in?” I asked the girl behind the desk at their hotel.
“I don’t think I can tell you,” she said, with a confused look on her face. “I’m not really a desk clerk. I just started here yesterday and I’m in office training.”
“Please get me someone who can help me.”
“They’re all gone to lunch but they should be back in about ten minutes. They left me to answer the phone and do some chores.”
“I’ll wait.”
I took a seat and watched her trying to put some papers into the paper shredder. After five minutes of watching her I approached the desk.
“Would you like some help with that?” I asked.
“Oh, would you?! Please. I’ve never done this before.”
I walked around the counter to the shredder.
“Let me see the papers,” I said, and she handed them to me.
“Turn on this switch and the green light comes on. That means it’s ready.”
“Now, the secret is that you have to feed the papers in one at a time. Watch.”
I fed each of the papers into the shredder until they were all gone.
“Now,” I told her, “You flip the switch the other way and you’re done. You got it?”
“Yes. Thank you, but where do the copies come out?”

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