“Hey, Dennis. Have a seat.”
“Hey, Stuart,” I said. “How is the ankle? I see you’re still on crutches.”
“It’s painful. The doctor says I’m going to be on crutches for four more months. However, I did learn that I’m too old to play football because you can easily break an old ankle like mine. What brings you to Belize City at night?”
“I have a late evening appointment with my own doctor for a six month check-up,” I told him.
We finished our meal at the Riverside Tavern and Stuart said, “Being a cripple is killing me and I’m ready to walk. There are two visiting ministers in town that supposedly do faith healing. Ride over with me tonight while I try it out.”
He picked me up in his car after my appointment and we drove to the church.
“Hey, this is a high crime neighborhood,” I told him, when we got there. “I don’t like this at all.”
“Oh, come on,” he said. “We’re at a church.”
During the evening the ministers took turns speaking and praying for the sick and ill. The first preacher walked up to Stuart and touched his shoulder.
“My son, you will walk tonight,” he said, as Stuart and I stared at each other.
The next minister also laid his hand on Stuarts head and said, “You will walk tonight.”
We left the church and I said, “What was that all about? Do you really think you will walk tonight?”
“Yeah. You see that empty parking space? Somebody stole my car.”

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