“I’m taking Sandy to San Ignacio for the Mother’s Day weekend,” George said. “Their show this year features a magician from Mexico.”
“I love magic, too,” I said. “I’m one of those people who love being fooled by someone who is really good at.”
George said. “I love street magicians. My favorite is probably David Blaine. He’s the best at it I’ve ever seen.”
“I’ll also go to a magic stage show if I get a chance,” I said.
“It’s too bad that we don’t have very many magicians in Belize,” George remarked.
“I remember seeing a Mexican magician do a show years ago when I used to play music in Belmopan at the Convention Hotel. My friend Miguel talked me into driving with him to San Ignacio for a big holiday event that featured a magician.”
“It was probably the same guy we’re seeing this weekend.”
A week later I ran into George.
“How was the magic show?” I asked.
“It was amazing. He did all the usual tricks like sawing a woman in half and pulling rabbits out of hats. His finale was different, though.”
“What made it different?”
“He announced that he was going to count to three and then disappear. He counted, ‘Uno, dos . . .’ and there was a flash of flame and a cloud of smoke.”
“Did he vanish?”
“He disappeared without a tres.”

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