“I need a favor,” Melody said. “Will you pick Davin up from school for me?”
“Why me?” I asked.
“He’s your grandson,” she said, giving me the time-tested reason. “Besides, if you didn’t want to spend time with him why did you have him?”
You can’t argue with that kind of logic. That afternoon I stood outside Davin’s class of seven and eight year-olds waiting for the bell to ring.
“I want to be a boat captain like my father,” I heard from inside the classroom.
“Very good, Jaime,” the teacher said. “What about you Marcos? What do you want to be when you grow up?”
“I want to be an airplane pilot,” Marcos said. “I flew in a plane lots of times.”
“Being an airplane pilot is good,” the teacher said.
“What about you Davin? What do you want to be?”
“I want to be a billionaire.”
“A billionaire? Why”
“Well, I would be really, really rich and have a pretty girlfriend with me all of the time. I would give her a Ferrari worth a million dollars and a house in Spain, a mansion in Paris. She could have her own jet airplane and a huge, expensive yacht, a credit card and I could kiss her any time I wanted to.”
“Uh….O.K.” the teacher said. “How about you, Lupita? What do you want to be when you grow up?”
“I want to be Davin’s girlfriend.”