Belmopan. September 19, 2023
Belize, at 42, has grown immensely in its economic and infrastructure position. The economy continues to develop, and our roads continue to improve; however, one type of growth we do not want to see is the growth in the number of traffic fatalities.
As we celebrate another year of independence, let us do so responsibly and safely. Our road infrastructure in many parts of the country is much improved and will afford you a better travel experience; however, we must refrain from being tempted to speed.
Traditionally, many people travel to Orange Walk to watch the carnival. Cruising safely within the legal limit will allow for a pleasant journey. If you have plans to reach your destination at a prearranged time, leave early and allow sufficient time for the possible short delays at checkpoints. No need to rush! It is better to arrive alive than not arrive at all. Exercise patience and extend courtesy to other road users. Remember, everyone wants to have an enjoyable and safe holiday; don’t be the one to spoil it.
Let’s not speed; let’s not drink and drive; let’s not be distracted while driving; and ensure that everyone is properly buckled in. Motorcycle riders should also exercise extreme caution and ensure proper helmets are worn. Before overtaking, look ahead and behind you, and do not overtake on the wrong-hand side of the road. For this independence celebration, let’s all help to contribute to a zero-traffic incident.
The Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Osmond Martinez, and the Ministry of Economic Development and the Second Road Safety Project Execution Unit wish all a safe and blessed Independence Day!

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