After ten weeks, Copa San Pedro 2017 regular season came to an end. While the football tournament began with 12 teams, only eight managed to make it to the quarterfinals. Six crucial games took place this past week, as some teams had to win in order to secure that spot.
At 7PM, on Thursday, November 8th, the first game got underway with Terror Squad versus Assassins F.C. The clear 12- 2 victory went to Terror Squad, who advanced.
The following day saw Martha’s Ice defeating Boca Bombers 4-2. At 9PM, Legends F.C took an easy 6-2 victory over Victoria House Jr.
The last two games of the week were played on Saturday, November 11th, starting at 7PM, with Jokers F.C triumphing 3-2 over Assassins F.C. The last game of the regular season saw G. strikers dominating 4- 1 over Sandy Point.
With the regular season completed, the quarter-finals will see Terror Squad, Legends F.C, Assassin F.C, G. Strikers, Jokers F.C, United F.C and Martha’s Ice fighting for the semi-final spots.
Copa San Pedro 2017 quarter-finals start this weekend at the Ambergris Stadium in San Pedro Town. At 7PM, on Friday, November 17th, G. Strikers face Legends F.C, followed by Sandy Point facing Martha’s Ice. The last two games of the week are scheduled for Saturday, November 18th, starting at 7PM with Assassins F.C versus Terror Squad, and at 9PM, Jokers F.C against United F.C. All islanders are invited to come out and support their favorite team this weekend. Food and refreshments will be on sale during all games.

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