The San Pedro Volleyball Association is gearing up to host a local six-by-six tournament on December 27th and 28th. The tournament is to take place at the Angel Nuñez Auditorium, and will serve as a qualifier match, so that a local selection can participate in The Belize Volleyball National Championships on January 30th-31st and February 1st.
The Association is seeking at least four teams with a minimum of 6-8 senior players per team, to partake in the competition. Teams will be receiving trophies for first and second place, medals for the top three teams, as well as awards for the Best Spiker, Best Blocker, Best Server, Best Libero (Defense) and the tournament MVP. Teams are asked to register with Erick Santizo Nuñez no later than December 20th. Upon registration, a fee of $100 will be required, along with a complete team roster.
For more information on the tournament and registration contact Nuñez at 605-0963.

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