With a total of 4,029 cast by 4PM, a slight increase in the turnout of the electorate was observed. With less than two hours before the polls officially close, the recent update shows about 50% of registered voters have cast their ballot, with a further increase anticipated by the end of the day.
Both parties contesting the leadership of San Pedro Town, PUP and UDP, are hopeful that a surge in votes will take place before 6PM. Speaking to PUP councilor candidate Marina Kay, she reports tremendous support and is confident in winning the next council seat. Kay is satisfied with her work and the feedback they have received from the public.
UDP councilor candidate Raul ‘Coco’ Gonzalez said the town would see a transformation in its infrastructure if he gets elected. “Although I will be in charge of infrastructure, I will also assist my colleagues in other projects for the benefit of our island residents,” said Gonzalez. He is said to be a hard worker and asked for the opportunity to serve the community in councilor’s capacity.
As an increase in the number of voters is expected within the next hour, the flow at both polling areas continues at a low pace. In the meantime, police have been active all day, enforcing proper hand hygiene, face mask-wearing, social distancing, and directing traffic.