Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Meet your Councilor Candidates


With the municipal elections right around the corner, The San Pedro Sun takes this opportunity to present the Councilor Candidates to the San Pedro public. We have devised five questions which were disseminated to all candidates for their response. It is our hope that their response to these questions will assist you, the voting public in your decision making process come March 7, 2012. In this issue we feature response from two UDP candidates and two PUP candidates.

Carlos Barrientos – UDP

  1. Why are you running, and what makes you a good candidate?
    I am very proud to be running for these municipal elections as a counselor because I am a proud UDP supporter and always wanted to represent my people. I feel that the UDP party is now complete as I am representing my fellow Central American Nationalized Belizeans. We have always been considered as a minority and this is a great opportunity to have someone who will be there to listen, work and speak for them.
  2. Which portfolio would you like to fulfill and why?
    If given the opportunity to be a part of this Town Council this coming term, I would to take the Portfolio regarding Community Beautification and Upkeep as well Public Utilities. I have seen that Children in this community are not using our parks as recreational centers. Our UDP candidates have intentions of upgrading Parks, extending lighting to most needed areas. We must remember too, that without your help, we can’t make our Town beautiful!
  3. If the opposition party should win most seats, how do you plan to work with them?
    Naturally we intend to win the most seats, however, if not possible, I would willingly work with the opposition members and voicing my intentions and opinions. After all, it is the voice of the people who I represent and I would willingly take the challenge and work; always having the community and its people at heart.
  4. Should you win, what would be your top three priorities for our community?
    If I was to win and be a part of the Town Council, I would begin by communicating with communities such as San Pedrito, San Mateo, DFC, etc. and prioritize their necessities such as Streets, Lighting, Sewer and Waste Management. As a Council, I would enforce our members to visit our schools and identify their immediate recreational needs such as playgrounds, and bathroom facilities.
  5. Do you have any final comments for the electorates?
    I would like to thank each and everyone who have given me their support and encouraging words. This opportunity would not have been possible without the community’s support. In the same manner that I ask for your support, and would like to reciprocate same by giving me the opportunity to represent you along with my other UDP candidates.

Vianney Perez – PUP

  1. Why are you running, and what makes you a good candidate?
    The reason why I decided to contest in the upcoming Municipal Elections is because I feel that we have been neglected as a town and as a people for far too long. We deserve to be treated with equality and respect. I cannot stay on the side lines and watch how our brothers and sisters struggle to make it through the day. It is more than obvious that San Pedro needs a CHANGE and I am confident that I have the qualifications, the character and most importantly the will to bring this much needed change to our people and town.
  2. Which portfolio would you like to fulfill and why?
    To be honest, I have not given much thought to it but what I can say is that whichever portfolio is appointed to me, my goal is and always will be to keep the best interest of the people and town close at heart.
  3. If the opposition party wins most of the seats, how do you plan to work with them?
    I am running under the People’s United Party because there is no doubt in my mind that we are THE party that brings along progress and serves the people best. However, at the end of the day it is the voters who decide who they want to represent them, and for me once elected, a town council has no colours, the town council members are there through the will of the people and for the people and that is exactly what I plan to do. Work with whomever the voters entrust their faith in.
  4. Should you win, what would be your top 3 priorities for our community?
    In my opinion the top 3 priorities would be:
          A. to build and maintain a healthy communication between the elected council and the residents,
          B. to bring about transparency and accountability to all tax payers and residents of San Pedro
          C. to implement much needed programs and activities for our youths.
  5. Do you have any final comments for the electorate?
    I would like you the electorate to know that during our time campaigning I have seen a lot of your issues and concerns. I have seen the challenges that some of you face on a daily basis. I cannot promise you that I have all the answers to all your problems but I fully commit myself to working with you and for you so that together we find these answers. So come March 7th, I humbly ask for your support for the 7 P.U.P. candidates, for that vote of confidence, for the opportunity to prove to you that not all politicians are the same. Thank you and God bless you all!

Yolanda Parham – UDP

  1. Why are you running, and what makes you a good candidate?
    My decision to run was made because of my two sons and for all those mothers who will know that there is someone on the board who shares their concerns. I was not born here, but like many, I came to San Pedro, Ambergris Caye in search of better opportunities. I offer myself to humbly serve this town that has opened its doors to me and my fellow Belizeans, Central Americans, brothers and sisters of other nationalities, the opportunity to better our lives.
  2. Which portfolio would you like to fulfill and why?
    Education Sports, Health and human Development. These are the portfolios that I am most interested in because as a mother I firmly believe that all children must be educated, be able to access 24/7 health care, have various sporting facilities and last, but not least, a human development center that provides services to abused families, the elderly and children, who are left home alone because parents have to work.
  3. If the opposition party should win most seats, how do you plan to work with them?
    I do not believe that the opposition has a chance to win most seats, but in the event they do, as candidates we all become servants of the people of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye. We must not allow political colors to interfere in carrying out our duties. Therefore, I am more than willing to work with any elected officials.
  4. Should you win, what would be your top three priorities for our community?
    My top three priorities for our community would be:
          a. Education: I would like to see all children in school and work together with the government to build a new and much needed primary school
          b. Health: Out UDP government recently extended the hours from 8:00am to 8:00pm and as soon as we assume office, we will make sure 24/7 and at the same time work with government in building the new hospital.
          c. Job Employment Center: Work with the business association, resorts, hotels, and dive shops in helping find jobs for adults, teenagers, and high schoolers during school vacation.
  5. Do you have any final comments for the electorates?
    Everyone who knows me knows that I am a mother, a worker, someone who will listen to their concerns and help find solutions. San Pedro, Ambergris Caye is home to many ethnic groups some residents and non-residents. It is this diversity that unites us together in times of sickness and disaster. My colleagues and I humbly ask you for your trust and support and I assure you that under the leadership of Danny Guerrero we will continue progressing.

Marina Kay – PUP

  1. Why are you running, and what makes you a good candidate?
    I decided to run as councilor candidate, because I am not happy with many things happening in our community and with the way it has been administrated for the past years. I firmly believe that I would be a great candidate. My love to this community, its people and most especially our young children is what motivates me to want to work and serve Ambergris Caye.
  2. Which portfolio would you like to fulfill and why?
    The portfolio I would like to fulfill is Parks and Playgrounds. Our children and youth need to be kept busy when out of school and what best way than to provide each area of our community with a playground or even a small basketball court. Then, there are our parks that instead of beauty they give a give a picture of sadness and loneliness. These need to be attended immediately! Then we will be proud to say we live in La Isla Bonita.
  3. If the opposition party wins most of the seats, how do you plan to work with them?
    Should the opposition party win most of the seats, I can firmly state that I can work along with anyone who has sincere commitment to work for this community.
  4. Should you win, what would be your top 3 priorities for our community?
    If given the opportunity to serve our community, my priorities would be: Parks and Playgrounds and Traffic and Streets under our jurisdiction.
  5. Do you have any final comments for the electorate?
    My comment to the electorate is: We have visited you and heard your cry, we have committed to find solutions to your concerns and to serve each and every one of you fairly. Our doors will be open to all, and yes, the mayor or one of the councillors will always be at the town council to receive you and discuss with you. Our PUP team is united and all have the same vision of making Ambergris Caye, a better, safer and more beautiful place where to live. The change is in your hands. Give us the opportunity and come March 7th, VOTE PUP 7 down the line! Thank You!

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