Tuesday, February 11, 2025

PUP Candidates set for convention June 12


General elections are held every five (5) years. The next General Election is scheduled to be held in 2013. Applicants for the post of Standard Bearers for all political partiers were invited to submit application as of earlier this year. Inter-party elections have been held across the country. In the Belize Rural South (BRS) constituency (San Pedro and Caye Caulker), there were three individuals that applied for the post of Area Representatives for the People’s United Party (PUP). As such, it is required that an internal PUP election be held in which supporters of the PUP get to decide which candidate is best to represent them in the next general election. The San Pedro Sun took the opportunity to question three candidates vying to represent the PUP in the BRS constituency in the up coming 2013 General Elections. Over the past couple of weeks, we have been printing the answers each candidate gave us (verbatim). Below find their responses to the final two questions.

Q: In the event that you are not elected to represent the People’s United Party in the up-coming general elections, what would be your future political plans?

Ms. Ana Patricia Arceo

There is no doubt that I will be successful in the immediate future which means that there is no room for a loss. I must highlight that even when I was unsuccessful at the polls, I never forgot the teachings of my party that has been passed on from one generation to the next, that of “Service to the people.” Even when I retire from political office, my home and family will continue to render “service to the people” because that was instilled in me first by my parents and secondly by my party. I have always been a PUP that has looked into the future with optimism and determination that has filled me with confidence to be able to say that we will win in 2013 with the PUP.

Mr. Baldemar Graniel

I don’t have plans regarding that until after the convention I will decide.

Mr. Ramon Reyes Jr.

I consulted with my family, friends and supporters before deciding to offer myself to Serve the People of Belize Rural South. I saw there was a need for someone to bring Real CHANGE to our area, New Hope, New Vision for San Pedro and Caye Caulker. After meeting so many friendly people during the past few months on our campaign I can tell you that the People of Belize Rural South are ready for New Leadership, and Real Change. However, in the event that the People chose a different path then I can tell you that my work for Belize Rural South will not end there. These issues are far to major for us to forget about, we need to work together to move forward. Our Islands have been Neglected for far TOO LONG. Team Ramon will always work for the People and include the People in our work. My decision to serve is not for short term. If we invest heavily in our Education System, our Health Care System, and our Police Force, by paying better and having proper equipment and tools available then we can solve a LOT of the issues that not only face San Pedro and Caye Caulker, but our wonderful Jewel, Belize.

Q: What are some of the issues that are affecting the island, that you feel needs to be addressed first and foremost?
Ms. Ana Patricia Arceo

There are many issues that are affecting our island as all areas have been neglected. Our Tourism is down, unemployment has risen, there are no plans for economic recovery, unfair cancellations of Lots to residents, escalation of crime and not being safe in the streets or homes, inadequate Health system that is burdensome to the medical staff, lack of Educational facilities like computer labs, library and overcrowded small classrooms, destruction of our mangroves and environment, neglect of street infrastructure, lack of proper lighting in our neighborhoods, which are just a few of the many issues that are affecting our everyday livelihood on both islands. Our current Area Rep has left many issues unattended and they are now mounting, making every issue a priority. As a proven fighter I want to share a Spanish proverb which expresses my belief; “quien no mira hacia adelante; atras se quedara”, saying “he who does not look forward to the future, remains in our past.” It is with resolute courage and with the help of God together we shall tackle each issue and we shall rescue our islands.

Mr. Baldemar Graniel

Health care, Education, sports, unemployment, high prices on the basic needs of the people, a better relation with the different government departments and the community. These are just a few to mention. Check my record against the other two candidates and you will see that I am the right and best choice.

Mr. Ramon Reyes

There are so many issues, and I will attempt to mention a few, but trust me I cannot mention all, although I KNOW of most. I do not like to see People losing their Homes and Businesses to foreclosure from Banks and other Lending Institutions. We must and can curb this. We have plans that can assist in this area. Proper Streets are needed in many areas of San Pedro; Caye Caulker needs a long term maintenance plan for Streets. Land Fill is needed desperately in many areas of San Pedro and in Caye Caulker. Electricity is needed as well in some areas on both islands. Ramon Reyes Jr will see to it that there is Proper and Fair Land Distribution.24 Hour Medical Services are required for our islands. Crime is an issue that also needs to be addressed, we need to look at this issue and put in place long term measures to curb crime. More School Buildings and more Teachers are needed on both islands to facilitate the growth in population of students. More Jobs are needed on both islands, and Team Ramon has a REAL plan for this. We won’t only promise more jobs, as most politicians do; we have a REAL Plan to achieve this. Job creation is something that is important and we have worked hard to come up with our plan. After being elected the People of San Pedro and Caye Caulker will truly see Leadership that works, no promises, WORK for the People.

We need to increase the Tourism Visitors to our islands. There are many ways we can do this, and again Team Ramon and Ramon Reyes Jr has a plan along with the PUP that will bring more visitors to our areas. We must be proactive in Tourism, we cannot wait for the bubble to burst then react, we must plan for disasters, etc. We all know that Slow Season comes every year, why can’t we make investments to change this Slow Season into something that will bring business to our islands year round.

Belize Rural South will be a Leader in Tourism, we will be innovative and ambitious, and we will bring more Business to our islands, Team Ramon and Ramon Reyes Jr are ready to take the Lead in Tourism. We will consult with the businesses on the islands and speak to them about our Plan so that their thoughts and opinions help us to formulate the best Working Long Term Tourism Plan for San Pedro and Caye Caulker.

Our islands can use more Beaches, so a Beach Reclamation Project (with Proper Consultation) can be done for both East and West sides of both islands. Some parts of the islands have Sewer Issues that need to be addressed as well. There are many other issues that Team Ramon knows it will have to take the Lead in assisting with.

The People of San Pedro and Caye Caulker are assured that Team Ramon and Ramon Reyes Jr will work for and with you. We, together, will bring Real CHANGE …

Elections to select the PUP standard bearer for the BRS Constituency are scheduled for Sunday June 12th 2011. In San Pedro, the elections will take place at the Angel Nuñez Auditorium, from 9am – 5pm. In Caye Caulker, the location is at the Caye Caulker Roman Catholic School between the hours of 9am – 5pm. All registered friends and supporters of PUP voters in the BRS Constituency are invited to come out and support their candidate of choice.

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