On Friday, November 15th, three students of San Pedro Roman Catholic School (SPRCS) were awarded for their excellent poster submissions for Dental Health Week. Alexandra Bejerano, Ryan Ramirez, and Kaitlyn Brown were the stand-out artists from more than 100 poster submissions, all focusing on the 2019 Dental Health Week theme ‘Brush, Floss, Be A Boss’.
During a short ceremony outside of the Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro PolyClinic II, the winners and their classmates were addressed by Dr. Irma Zuniga, Dentist at the clinic. “This year for Dental Health Week we focused on health education and prevention…we must end the culture of ‘touch and go’ dentistry and extraction,” said Dr. Zuniga. She applauded the students’ poster submissions and invited each of them to the front to explain their work.
In third place was Alexandra Bejerano, while Ryan Ramirez took second and with her incredible tri-fold poster, complete with a fun 3-D model of a set of teeth, Kaitlyn Brown took first place. Each winner received a gift basket filled with school supplies and a backpack.
Dr. Zuniga told The San Pedro Sun that this is the fourth year they are holding the competition. Due to the dental mission held at the San Pedro Lions Den mid-to the end of October, they opted to celebrate Dental Health Week in November.
Poster designs were assigned on November 8th and officially submitted for judging on Monday, November 11th. Four staff members from different departments at the PolyClinic had the task of judging posters from students of SPRCS and Isla Bonita Elementary School.
After the award ceremony, all students were invited to enjoy a healthy snack and received a toothbrush.