Projects Abroad, along with other organizations held a health fair at the Lion’s Den in San Pedro Town on Saturday, October 21st. The fair was intended to educate islanders on healthy lifestyles as well as provide rapid health checkups. Despite the rainy weather, many residents made their way to the health fair, receiving vital information on personal well-being.
Services offered included rapid HIV testing, blood pressure, blood type and breast cancer checkups among many other options. There were also booths from various organizations educating attendees on many health practices. “I would like to thank Projects Abroad for organizing this event at Ambergris Caye as well as to all the different organizations that participated, and made it a success,” said Councilor Ruben Gonzalez.
The health fair would not have been a success without the participation of the following organizations; Belize City Voluntary Council and Testing, Belize Women’s Department, Red Cross, Belize Kidney Association, Smart, Dawson Pit Fighters, Saga Humane Society, National Drug Abuse Control Council (NDACC), Gama Nutrition, Belize Family Life Association, San Pedro Cancer Society, Belize Fitness, The Health Education and Community Participation Bureau (HECOPAB) and the Domestic Violence Unit.
Projects Abroad along with the other organizations would like to thank all the islanders who made the effort to attend the health fair.