Dear Editor:
About 12 years ago I got International Actors Guild of New York to send down to Belize the first X-Ray Machine freely being the only one of a modern nature in Belize. Now I had an X-Ray machine that Mayo Clinic was to send down but instead they revitalized it and sent it to their new clinic in India.
The Belizean government has given many of our tax dollars to build some of the best staffed hospitals around this country but so far didn’t help us finish the polyclinic that Ramon Nunez and I got $1,000,000 in contributions to build the first floor and when asked to complete the second floor they only built part of it for a dental office.
People of San Pedro and our good friends from abroad I ask you to look in your hearts and then in your pocketbooks to help Dr. Danny finish his clinic that will benefit all of us.
We need to send emails to our government officials such as Manuel Heredia to get government to give back part of the millions they receive in taxes from us to help us create better medical facilities and more physicians. Belize has just created the Belize Tourist Medical Association so let’s push for medical facilities and doctors and nurses that the rest of Belize has better than us.
You may contribute by calling Dr. Danny Gonzalez. Go see what Dr. Danny has created so far. Dr. Roberts an Orthopedic Physician from Belize City has been coming to Dr. Danny’s office once a month for seven years so why can’t government send other doctors at least once a month or so. People over 65 especially would love to retire here but definitely are in need of proper medical facilities on an ongoing basis.
Dr. Danny’s new bariatric chamber can not only treat divers with the Bends but can treat and cure many other diseases even possibly certain cancers and Alzheimer’s. This chamber is just one of the medical equipment he intends to put in his new building.
Come see what he is trying to do for himself but also for all of the community.
God Bless You.
/s/ Corry McDermott

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