The Dr Otto Rodriguez San Pedro PolyClinic II has been the recipient of a small but important donation courtesy of the San Pedro Lions Club. The clinic received three examination tables that will help with the efficient delivery of service. The donation was given on March 3rd and immediately after, the tables were put into good use.
According to the Administrator of the Clinic Mr. Owen Vellos, the three beds will go a long way in improving service. “When we got additional doctors, there was the need for more examination beds. In the interim we were using regular tables to conduct examinations. The Lions heard of the need and decided to help with the three examination tables,” commented Vellos.
The beds were acquired through the Maintenance and Supply Department of the Ministry of Health at a cost of $3,885.14, fully paid by the San Pedro Lions Club. The Administration also took the opportunity to thank the San Pedro Lions Club for their continuous support towards the clinic.

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