Press Release – Belize Press Office
Caribbean Nutrition Day 2012
Belmopan. May 31, 2012 – The Ministry of Health joins all countries of the Caribbean in the celebration of Caribbean Nutrition Day 2012. This year the focus is on ‘Wellness in the Workplace’, hence the theme, ‘Healthy Eating and Active Living: Create an Enabling School/Work/Community Environment.’
The Ministry encourages all organizations to take steps to establish and promote a healthy workplace. Simple activities for the workplace can include organizing wellness committees to highlight and promote healthy lifestyles, having a daily challenge to increase the consumption of vegetables or fruits, conducting health assessments or presentations, and providing healthy snacks for the staff members. Studies have shown that Belizeans are not consuming enough vegetables and fruits which are known to provide many nutrients including vitamins and minerals; they also improve the body’s overall state of wellness.
We also recommend that staff engage in various types of physical activity sessions. For example: taking a break during long meetings and work sessions for stretching, and encouraging staff to do ten minute walks after lunch. Research shows that physical activity provides benefits even when it is not done all at once. Activities for students at school can include the sale of fruits and fruit drinks or smoothies and sport challenges.
The Ministry is also advocating practice of Belize’s Food Based Dietary Guidelines as a means to encouraging healthy lifestyles. The ‘guidelines’ is an educational tool used to promote healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle. The Ministry believes that with continuous collaborated efforts, the high cases of chronic diseases can be reduced.
Since 2005, Caribbean Nutrition Day has been designated on June 1 by the Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute to highlight the benefits of healthy eating and an active lifestyle.
For More Information contact:
Robyn Daly
Ministry of Health