Monday, September 9, 2024

Letter from SP AIDS Commission – AIDS Walk (01/12/11)


Dear San Pedro Business Community & Public in General:

On Thursday, December 1st the entire world will observe World AIDS Day. This particular day has been set aside to emphasize awareness about this epidemic that is plaguing the world over. Belize joins the rest of the world in bringing awareness during this day as well.

It is with that in mind that the San Pedro AIDS Commission is inviting you and your members to join in our yearly AIDS Solidarity Walk on the abovementioned date. We are hoping that through this walk we show the community that AIDS is everybody’s concern so everyone should be involved. We are humbly asking that if you cannot make it to please send a representative to the walk. The group will gather at 5:00 p.m. at Central Park for the march through the main streets of San Pedro Town.

We hope to count with your presence to help us bring awareness about HIV/AIDS. We also take this opportunity to invite everyone to the Annual HIV/AIDS Fair at Central Park on Sunday, December 4th. Rapid Testing, information, music, food and drinks all day long – SUPPORT the San Pedro AIDS Commission.


Felix Ayuso
San Pedro AIDS Commission

The San Pedro Sun also reminds you of their fabulous Dinner & Auction fundraiser being held at Crave Restaurant & Lounge

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