On July 3rd, 2023, the International Regional Organization for Plant and Animal Health (OIRSA) handed over laptops and printing materials to the Belize Agriculture Health Authority (BAHA) Animal Health Department. The equipment will help to strengthen BAHA’s response capacity in the event the disease is detected in the country.
Additionally, a budget of US$30,000 was assigned to Belize to strengthen BAHA’s diagnostic capacity and the ongoing surveillance program for avian influenza. The laboratory diagnostic capacity is crucial for a rapid diagnosis of the disease when a suspect case is identified. Furthermore, OIRSA, along with the Central American Integration System (SICA), has approved an additional US$5,500 for laboratory reagent for BAHA with another US$7,700 of laboratory reagent already ordered for purchase from a reference lab in the United States of America.
In coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture, OIRSA continues conducting awareness campaigns, informing farmers of avian influenza symptoms observed in poultry. At the regional level, OIRSA has approved emergency funds for its member countries to prepare and monitor for avian influenza in wild birds as well as in backyard poultry and on commercial farms.
The regional outbreak of avian influenza has been occurring worldwide and, so far, Belize remains free of the disease.

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