Belize hosted the LVIII Ordinary Meeting of El Consejo de Ministros de Salud de Centroamérica (COMISCA) in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, as the country wraps up its Pro Tempore Presidency of COMISCA.
The two-day meeting ends today with full participation from all member states of the COMISCA body. Many items have been tabled for discussion, highlighting the work the country led during this semester. The meeting is being chaired by Hon. Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness, who presented the semester report for Belize. The meeting has also received the status and financial report from the COMISCA Secretariat where a key item highlighted was that of sustainability.
The meeting reviewed the preliminary work on the Regional Health Policy Document for Sistema de la Integracíon Centroamericana (SICA) member countries and has received regional guidelines in reference to risk communication in the post COVID-19 era as well as the Regional Strategy for Health Equity and Equality for Men and Women in Central America and the Dominican Republic 2023-2030. Other topics that were revisited were the sustainability framework for public health laboratories; the strengthening of the diagnosis of tuberculosis in the region as well as a regional platform for documenting clinical trials in the region.
Specific resolutions were brought to the table and signed in support of the ongoing regional work that the COMISCA body will now move forward with.
The Pro Tempore Presidency of COMISCA now passes on to El Salvador. Dr. Francisco Alabi Montoya, Minister of Health of El Salvador, was present to receive the Pro Tempore Presidency.

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