The E-Governance and Digitization Unit under the Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics, and E-Governance held its first “National Data Strategy Stakeholder Workshop.” The workshop forms part of the National Data Strategy Project, which is being supported by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) through regional technical cooperation, “Promoting Comprehensive Data Policy Frameworks in Latin America and the Caribbean.”
The development of a National Data Strategy will directly support Belize’s digital transformation as outlined by the National Digital Agenda. One of the primary objectives of the Strategy is to establish a holistic approach to data governance, use, and management for the Government. The strategy is also aligned with the Data Protection Act, as it seeks to provide a framework for the privacy and rights of Belizeans as we move towards a Digital Belize. Overall, the strategy will serve as a critical tool by facilitating the use of data to support national development, consistent improvements of public services, and coordination and interoperability among institutions.
The objective of the stakeholder’s workshop was to create awareness of best practices for data strategies, the importance of data, and effective data governance and to initiate the co-creation process for Belize’s National Data Strategy. The participants engaged, shared, and contributed towards building the vision, priorities, and activities towards a data-driven government. The information and insights gathered from the workshop will contribute to the development of the Nationa Data Strategy and Roadmap. Engagements with the stakeholders will continue throughout the project’s lifetime to ensure the greatest level of impact and adoption within the public sector.
For more information: Contact the E-Governance and Digitization Unit under the Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics, & E-Governance at 828-4785 or [email protected]. Visit our website:
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