Large amounts of vegetation have been razed in southern Ambergris Caye as developers level their properties with no regard to the impact it is having on the environment. Neighbours are outraged at the sight of destruction, as many mature trees and natural habitat have been bulldozed. According to residents in the area, native wildlife has been displaced, and the site resembles that of ‘a warzone.’
The San Pedro Sun spoke to the Department of Environment, and confirmed that the developer in question has not been issued an environmental clearance for said clearing.
Residents fear that the continued cutting down of trees will lead to erosion and even potential flooding from the lagoon side. They are urging the respective authorities to step in and put a stop to this horrendous destruction. The local and environmental authorities have yet to weigh in on this issue.
The San Pedro Sun continues investigating the matter and will have a full report on the situation in our print edition on Friday, August 18th.

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