Press Release – February 22nd, 2012
The People’s Referendum will be officially launched at ceremonies in Belize City today.
The plan of action of the Coalition to Save our Natural Heritage will be unveiled today as we are one week away from the actual Referendum Day on Wednesday 29th February, 2012.
The Coalition to Save Our Natural Heritage calls on Belizeans to give of their time and resources to ensure that The People’s Referendum remains an initiative that is people driven. Operations bringing together the logistics of the first ever People’s Referendum is being headquartered at Oceana’s office at the corner of Regent and Dean Streets is Belize City.
The Coalition which has embarked on this initiative to guarantee the voters of this country a voice on whether or not there should be oil exploration and drilling in our waters says that it is the people’s power that will make the leaders and decision-makers take heed on the wishes of the people on this issue.
Members of the media are invited to the official launch to be held at Oceana’s Office commencing at 3:30 pm. Come meet the referendum team and talk with volunteers at our call center.
For Further Information contact:
Abby Hernandez
[email protected]