The ‘Adventures of Alice in Wonderland’ was performed by the San Pedro Dance Academy during their annual end-of-year Christmas show on Saturday, December 8th. The show is based on an 1865 novel written by Lewis Carroll, about a girl named Alice, who falls into a fantasy world populated by peculiar creatures. Held at the San Pedro Lions Den, the show saw a full house of proud parents and family who were delighted with a performance that included Steel Pan music and several dance performances.
For an entry fee of $10, attendees enjoyed a variety of entertainment, beginning with the dramatization of Alice in Wonderland. Alice, interpreted by Karissa Vasquez and Lilian Rivero, took the audience through a wonderful, magical world, where Alice was met with talking flowers, butterflies, the Cheshire Cat, and Caterpillar. The performance also included the Mad Hatter Tea Party, the setting up of the courtroom and the Queen of Hearts Tango associated with Alice’s story.
During the intermission, there was a short musical presentation by Alma Perrote’s Steel Band, and a raffle with fabulous prizes saw many happy winners.
The rest of the evening included several Christmas themed dance numbers ranging from ‘Let it Snow’ to ‘Cruising for a Bruising’ and even a Spanish performance with the song ‘Solo se vive una vez.’ Near the end of the presentation, all performers/dancers were given a certificate of recognition for their continued contribution to the Dance Academy. The grand finale was the song ‘Good mawning, good mawning.’
The annual show serves as a fundraiser to support the Dance Academy. Dancers ranged from juniors, intermediate, to senior performers, who dressed in elaborately themed -costumes for the fabulous show.
Organizers would like to thank the dancers, parents, stage designers and all those who donated towards the success of the show. Special acknowledgment goes out to the sponsors: The San Pedro Lions Club, The San Pedro Town Council, Castillo’s Hardware, Belize Bank, Marina’s Store, Elito Arceo, Saint Francis Xavier Credit Union, El Dorado Store, Blue Tan Inn, SP Hardware, Amal Hardware, SP Dance Center, and Central Park Hotel.