Tertiary level students from across the country are now proud owners of a brand new ASUS tablet, including those from San Pedro Junior College (SPJC). Area Representative Honorable Manuel Heredia Jr. along with the San Pedro Education Department distributed over a hundred tablets to SPJC students on Thursday, February 26th as part of the Year of Technology initiative by Prime Minister of Belize, Dean Barrow. 9,000 tablets were purchased by the Government of Belize from Petro Caribe funds at a cost of $200 each.
The distribution of the tablets to students is geared to promote education by giving students the resources needed to be successful in the advancing technological world. At the SPJC distribution, Heredia elaborated that this visionary approach towards education is needed to ensure that the future generation is receiving the best possible education. “Let me say that on behalf of the Ministry of Education, I present to you this gift. Our Prime Minister is a very visionary person, one that is committed to giving back to our community. This donation is allowing students to improve their educational experience. We give you this tablet with responsibility to care for it and use it wisely,” said Heredia.
He continued to reiterate that this opportunity was provided with intentions to improve the quality of life for Belizean students. “This gives you access to the internet and all the useful knowledge that the internet can provide. So take care of the tablets. Use them for good use. I believe education is very important and we need to invest in our youth’s education,” said Heredia.
Caye Caulker Roman Catholic School teachers who are currently enrolled in Galen University perusing a teaching degree also received tablets from Heredia.
Each student receiving a tablet had to fill out an application and was given an identification code that registered their device ownership into the Government of Belize’s data base. The tablets were purchased with assistance of the Ambassador of the Republic of China Taiwan Benjamin Ho.

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