Kicking off the ever busy “Graduation Season”, The Island Academy (TIA) was the first to hold its graduation with its annual end of year ceremony. On the morning of June 1, 2012, eight students marched to the tune of Pomp and Circumstance, facing the gathered well-wishers on hand to celebrate their scholastic achievement. Lady Dixie Bowen, Principal of TIA, welcomed everyone with a warm smile and short speech.
As customary, there were pre-graduation ceremony issues to deal with, including the handing out of awards to the top students from each class. Ranging from such awards as “Grammatical Guru”, “Master Mathematician”, “Remarkable Reader” to “Mad Scientist”, students were called to the podium to receive their awards from their teachers. Some students, including Leanne Vega and Reign Ackerley, positively cleaned up in the academic department, taking top awards in nearly all subjects. There were several community awards given out as well, especially to the Standards IV and V classes, who raised over $1,500 and decided to donate the proceeds evenly to two worthy causes: Mama Vilma Family Home and Liberty Children’s Home.
It was a sad few moments when farewells were bid to two remarkable TIA teachers; Teachers Lisa Anderson and Barbara Ancona will not be back for the new school year as they will be off pursuing other endeavors. Both ladies were thanked profusely for their years of service, and each was gifted with a floral arrangement and much applause from everyone in attendance.
With the end of year awards handed out, it was time for the graduation speeches. TIA gave the opportunity to each graduate to share a little bit of their experience at school with those in attendance, putting to good use their public speaking skills. From wry and funny speeches, wherein the boys rhapsodized about their Halloween Haunted House memories, and the sports and general fun they had during their final year at TIA; to heartfelt commentary about the sense of community felt by once shy students, it was clear that being at TIA had helped mold the graduates into fine young boys and girls ready for their foray into High School.
Lady Dixie Bowen and Standard VI teacher Barbara Ancona, had the honors of handing out certificates to the graduates. At every graduation, there is one student who stands out in particular. Their achievement may not be the top ranking academics, but rather, just being a well-rounded student who excels in the classroom and beyond. That student is awarded the Principal’s Cup. After the passing of Sir Barry Bowen, it was renamed the Barry Bowen Cup, and this year’s honoree was Lily Hayden. Congratulations Lily, and well done! The San Pedro Sun joins the community in wishing the graduates all the best, and may your future endeavors be successful. Congratulations!