Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Letter to the Editor re: Marijuana Brownies at SPHS


Dear Mr. Editor of The San Pedro Sun:

For me it’s a first that I write to the editor of a newspaper rather than of a social issue that needs attention, however I am compelled to do so considering the seriousness of the matter and its repercussion. On your September 30, 2011 issue volume 21, #38 you published an article with the ‘sensational’ headline that read, “Marijuana brownies at San Pedro High”.

My contention is that if you had to inform the public about this particular incident you needed not put it on front page and place it immediately under the news for that week which covered the passing away of the Honorable George Cadle Price, Father of our nation. My complain is based that right above this article, you quoted Mr. Price stating: “May truth, peace and kindness be yours to share with others, to uplift and quicken our Belizean values and to flourish and enhance our Central American land…” I strongly believe that you have totally missed the meaning of these wise words of the father of our nation, since by deliberately placing an unpleasant situation as an attention getter; you have neither promoted peace, kindness nor up-lifting of our Belizean values.

San Pedro High was founded in 1971, with its main mission to provide quality secondary education to anyone who live in San Pedro and wished to attain one. San Pedro High does not discriminate against race, religion, economic status or sex and thus welcome students of all walks of life. In doing so, we, who teach here, have faced many challenges such as: discipline, academic disparity, social distractions and drugs. However, with the guidance of our founders, board members, and the continuous support of parents, we have managed to have more accomplishments than disappointments.

Last month, one of our students travelled to El Salvador to compete in the High School Central American Games and won the Bronze medal in the triple jump; despite coming from a humble family and definitely not having the proper training. Yet, he was not in the headlines of your newspaper. For me, this was really an opportunity for your newspaper to promote the ‘peace and kindness to share with others’ which our Father of our Nation spoke about.

I strongly believe that journalism stresses the freedom of speech; however you have the golden opportunity to enrich that freedom of speech with those other words that you boldly quoted from Mr. Price: truth, peace, kindness. Be kind to institutions like San Pedro High that relentlessly every day try to equip our young students to become the ‘Good Belizean’ which the Honorable George Cadle Price spoke to the graduates of St. Peter’s Claver High School many years ago.

Mr. Editor, I hope than in the future we could work more closely in disseminating the needed information, which your newspaper fills; however let’s do it with the sensitivity, compassion and respect that the affected parties deserve. One more thing, please give the same courtesies to my letter as you gave to the headline “Marijuana brownies at San Pedro High”.

Mr. Gustavo A. Ellis Sr.
Dean San Pedro Junior College B.A. M.R.E. J.P.

Editors Note:

When it comes to a drug problem in our public schools, it is essential that parents and the community be made aware of it, regardless of the “sensitivity.” Not all news is pretty, and often the truth is not. Reporting the news and the placement of such in The San Pedro Sun is based on importance, not sensational headlines. We stand by our decision to make this story front page news as it is indeed a subject that concerns a large majority of our readers and our community. To take offence to the placement of the story on the front page, along with an article about the late Rt. Honorable George Cadle Price, (not to mention the other headlines, “Space and cost keeping children out of school” and “Mandatory Registration of Cellular Phones to begin October 11, 2011”) is unfounded. It is not the responsibility of the newspaper to “promote peace, kindness or up-lift Belizean values,” it is our responsibility to report on these standards if and when they do or do not happen.

We are more than happy to print San Pedro High School (SPHS) news but in regards to “working more closely” with each other, SPHS often fails to cooperate when sharing such stories. As for the High School Central American Games you mention, we printed a front page article about the student athletes as they were gearing up for the games. SPHS failed to notify The San Pedro Sun of their triumphs upon their return, otherwise we would have certainly made this front page news again, had it been brought to our attention. Don’t kill the messenger, obviously there is a drug problem at the school; how the administration chooses to deal with it is news as well, and we will be happy to report on your progress in remedying the situation when the time comes.
Mrs. Tamara Sniffin, Editor

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