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Dear Doctor Love,
I have known this boy since we were little kids and we got to be boyfriend and girlfriend last year. A few weeks ago he said he wanted to be just friends again and now he is going around with another girl. Everybody in the school knows it and I don’t want to go anymore. My best friend says she saw them kissing the other day and it hurts really bad. I know I will never be his friend again and I hate her very much.
My mom tells me it will feel better soon and I shouldn’t think about it, but I see them all the time and it is hard to not think about it. Maybe if I could change schools or something? My mom won’t let me stay home and I don’t like being there anymore because I have to see him. I am sixteen so I can go out of school if I want to but my mom would be very mad. What can I do?
Dear Dumped,
The Doctor understands that school is the last place you want to be right now but if you are old enough to leave school, you are old enough to make the more adult decision to stay and let time heal your hurt.
Your mom is right, it will get better. The kids in your school will forget very quickly, there will be new drama and other things to think about.
The day will come when you see him and it doesn’t break your heart as much. Then the day will come when you see him and you smile at him a little because it doesn’t hurt anymore and your life long friendship will begin to grow again.
You’ve known him since you were kids and the Doctor predicts you will know him well into your old age. It will get better, just give it time and please, stay in school.
Dear Doctor Love,
I watched a kid throw an empty water bottle on the ground the other day and gave him a few words about littering. His mother, instead of telling her kid to put it in the trash, gave me an earful about minding my own business. I think it is my business and I wish you would remind your readers that the planet belongs to everyone, not just lazy litterers.
/s/Mr. Clean
Dear Mr. Clean,
You are to be applauded for wanting to pick up litter and keep the island clean. Organize a clean-up in your area but next time approach the parent, not the child.