San Pedro police have detained one male for questioning for the murder of Moses Coc. Initial police information confirms that around 11PM on Saturday night, September 13th Coc and a male friend were walking on Swan Street in the San Pedrito area of San Pedro, and were heading towards Angel Coral Street. A lone dark-skinned male ambushed them, and beat Coc with a piece of wood, inflicting a fatal blow to the head. San Pedro Quick Response Team (QRT) responded to a distress call on Angel Coral Street and Coc, a 31 year-old salesman who lived in the Boca del Rio area, was transported to the Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro PolyClinic II where he was pronounced dead on arrival. His body was later transported to Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital in Belize City for a post mortem exam.
Police have detained a dark skinned male as part of their investigation.

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