A series of training sessions further prepared police officers in San Pedro Town on disciplines such as the use of PR-24 Police Batons and techniques for controlling, restraining, transferring people, and self-defense.  This was made possible through the collaboration of Mixed Martial Arts Instructor Martin Dawson, Standard Bearer for Belize Rural South under the United Democratic Party Jazelie Azueta, and trainer and director Jose Ernesto Hernandez of SIDECOP. SIDECOP is a training program for police officers used in Mexico.
The training sessions held in front of Sagebrush Church by Boca del Rio were led by Hernandez. The use of PR-24 batons was introduced as a defensive weapon for protecting against both front and rear attacks. The officers were refreshed on the baton’s side handle, which can aid in retaining and applying control to a subject. They learned the most efficient ways to gain control of any situation involving a detainee, use responsible force, and safely transport subjects (detainees). Dawson said that the two-day training (March 17-18) would benefit the island police officers when approaching civilians.
The other training phase involved female police officers and civilians undergoing self-defense classes. Azueta shared that she was grateful to be able to contribute/commission the sessions for the training aimed at the betterment of the island’s women and said these activities were also done in honor of Women’s Month.
Dawson added that there would be a monthly training session for San Pedro police officers at his place-Dawson’s Pit Fighters Dojo. Azueta will sponsor these monthly sessions. He indicated he would lead such training sessions under the guidance of Hernandez from Mexico.