Nominations are now open for the 8th Annual Fisher of the Year Award 2022, which will be announced during an official ceremony marking Caribbean Fisherfolk Day on June 29, 2022. On this day, two (2) individuals, who have meaningfully contributed to the fishing industry in Belize, will be recognized, nationally, as Outstanding Fishers, and another as the Fisher of the Year 2022.
This event is one of several activities taking place to celebrate Fisherfolk Month, under the theme: “Collective Action for a Safe and Resilient Belizean Fisheries.” Members of the Fisherfolk Month Planning Committee include the Belize Fisheries Department; Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM); Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organizations (CNFO); and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).
The Committee invites anyone, who knows of an outstanding fisher, to submit complete nomination forms explaining why we should recognize your nominee as the Outstanding Fisher of the Year 2022.
Submissions MUST include:
- Nominator’s name and contact information
- The fisher’s name and your relationship to him/her
- Number of years nominee has been fishing
- Whether he/she belongs to a cooperative and/or association; and the name of the Cooperative or Association
- A copy of the nominee’s fisher-folk license.
- And a 250-word essay explaining how the fisher is involved in fisheries management, sustainable fishing practices, and how he or she has shown resilience in this sector by remaining an active fisher.
Nomination forms are available, by request from, and, after completion, should be sent to the Belize Fisheries Department on Princess Margaret Drive, by emailing [email protected]; or Wildlife Conservation Society, by emailing [email protected]. Submission deadline is Monday June 20, 2022.