Dear Editor, In the month dedicated to women, Belizean communities should start eradicating the widespread practice of catcalling. The problem with this action is hidden in its very name: catcalling. The “men” of Belize are cat-calling a human being who deserves respect, not objectification. Catcalling is harassment, pure and simple: an evil which must stop. After speaking to numerous women about this phenomenon, every single one expressed that they are tired of it, disgusted by it, and even numb to it, having learned to tolerate it as an unavoidable part of their life. Here, a woman is being conditioned to believe she is more a body than a person, unworthy of deep and faithful love. The only ones who can change this shameful situation are you, the men of Belize. Instead of catcalling, call out your fellow men as if they were catcalling your wife, your daughter, or your mother! What differentiates the gaze and catcalling of lustful men from the look and bark of dogs who see a female in the heat ? Will you stand up as real men to protect and honor women or will you lay down like a dog and roll around in the dust of lust? Your answer will affect the lives of countless girls and women. Your answer will determine whether you more closely resemble a dog or a man. Your answer will reveal the strength or weakness of your character. Choose wisely. Regards, Noe Cooch
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