Holy Cross Anglican School (HCAS) held a short groundbreaking ceremony for its new House of Grace on Sunday, March 3rd. Present at the groundbreaking was the Right Reverend Philip S. Wright; Anglican Bishop of Belize Brian Ostenso; Chairperson of the HCAS Education Foundation Freddy Trejo, and Founders of HCAS, Francis and Vernon Wilson.
House of Grace, as the new building will be known, is named in memory of Grace Williams, the first principal of HCAS. The plan is to create a comfortable, welcoming space for clergy from mainland Belize or from all over the world. Modest overnight accommodations for up to three people will provide a place for rest, meals and quiet reflection. The location on the Holy Cross property will facilitate interaction with students and enable the clergy staying there to easily be part of the larger San Mateo community since lodging is quite costly in San Pedro. Currently, the school has no accommodations to host visiting clergy who might come for several days, weeks or even months, to work on projects or lead worship and bible study for the HCAS students and San Mateo residents.
Bishop Wright indicated that following a process of prayerful discernment; he felt that God called the diocese to establish a greater faith presence at Holy Cross and in San Pedro. The first step in achieving that goal is to have regular clergy interacting with students, their families and other visitors to the Island.
HCAS states that they envision an active and engaged community of Christians, both adults, and children, coming together to learn, worship and serve in an environment where the love of Christ can be openly expressed and shared with the entire community of San Pedro. They hope to have clergy in place and holding worship services regularly by the fall of 2019. The House of Grace is being built with donations to the HCAS Education Foundation that were designated specifically for this purpose.
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