Dear Editor,
The Minister of Education and his Executives were gracious in their support of the teachers. I want to publicly and personally thank them.
The real problem was and still is that the Teaching Services Commission makes new policies or rules without sufficient consultation with partners and then enforces those polices or rules before teachers and managers can adjust to the policies or rules. The no back pay policy? or rule? is really hurting teachers and is unfair. I thought that the Teaching Services Commission did not have the authority to make policies or rules.
Mistakes have been made and will be made by the human beings who work with the Teaching Services Commission, the general managers and the local managers. Teachers should not lose pay because someone else makes a mistake.
A second problem is with application of the present rules concerning Social Security. The teachers have to go to a Social Security office while they are sick or take a day off school to get the required paper work. The first situation hurts the teachers and the second situation hurts the children and other teachers. The rule needs adjusted for teachers.
Deacon Cal

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