To my son Koby, and all my free-spirited San Pedro kids that I loved…You will have a place in my heart forever..
“Oh Land of the Free by the Caribe Sea”
They sang after struggling for years
When loss became gain at St. George’s Caye
By brave British, freed slaves, and buccaneers
La Isla Bonita…This was my home
Barefoot and sunburned, so wild and free
This perfect playground was all I had known
Mangos, and sea grapes, and coconut trees
My heart still remembers nights of warm rain
Running through puddles reflecting the moon
When lights had gone out and candles would wane
Oh, childhood memories – gone too soon
The swaying palms with gently blowing breeze
The country where I first breathed life…Belize
Kathy Jeffers
(Teacher Kathy)