On Tuesday, November 7th, the Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro Polyclinic II welcomed the donation of medical supplies from the San Pedro Lions Club via the Wilmington City Council in North Carolina USA. Members of the island club convened at the Polyclinic, where they presented the items to the medical staff. Dr. Nidia Larrinaga was present to accept the donation, which is expected to better prepare the clinic for emergencies.
The city of Wilmington has been San Pedro Town’s sister city for the past 10 years, and throughout this time, there has been continuous cooperation between both municipalities. Melanie Paz, Vice President of the Lions Club stated that through The San Pedro Town Council, they were able to reach out to the City of Wilmington for donations. “We found out that they are always getting donations from people and then they distribute to people or places that might need them. After getting in touch with them, we came up with an agreement that whenever they would receive medical supplies, to let the San Pedro’s Lions Club know, so we could secure them for our polyclinic,” said Paz. “We also offered to cover the cost of the freight from North Carolina to Belize, in order to get the items to the island.” She indicated that they are always looking for ways to assist the island’s main medical institution.
Dr. Larrinaga welcomed the donation, saying that it will significantly assist the clinic in its day to day endeavors. “With these additional supplies, we will be better prepared to attend medical emergencies. Thanks to the San Pedro Lions Club and the City of Wilmington, our patients can expect more reliable service.” Larrinaga also mentioned that even though the clinic continues to improve their quality of service, they are still short of medical staff.
The staff of the Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro Polyclinic II warmly thanks the San Pedro Lions Club for their continued assistance as they strive to continue serving the island community.
San Pedro Lions Club makes donation to Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro Polyclinic II

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