The DFC Eco-Rangers have accomplished a lot of cleaning-up since they began cleaning up their neighborhood. Their efforts have not gone unrecognized, and over time, there have been many businesses stepping in to provide them with supplies to keep meeting their goals.
As part of their plan to keep La Isla Bonita Clean, they have expanded to an “Adopt a Trash Can” program, where businesses take responsibility for a specially designed trash can. Businesses ensure it is emptied, the area around it is clean, and that it is placed in a strategic place where it cannot be tipped over, but easily accessible for anyone to use. “The idea is for as many businesses to join in supporting the children’s efforts,” said Diane Klumb, leader of the original group of Eco-rangers. “These children are so proud of the changes they are making, and they love to see their painted buckets and trash receptacles being used instead of garbage flowing everywhere.”
Providing ample receptacles ensures that people dispose of their garbage responsibly. By having someone in charge of emptying out the full containers and keeping the garbage from overflowing, the notion of cleanliness and community pride is driven home. Anyone interested in adopting a trash can is asked to contact the Eco-Rangers on their Facebook community page, DFC Ecorangers.

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