The San Pedro Town Council (SPTC) have partnered with Projects Abroad, and the Department of Youth Services (DYS) to organize a shoe and toy drive. Donation of shoes, sporting equipment (balls, mitts, gear, etc.) or funds are needed for children of preschool age to standard six (5-14).
Principals and teachers of Ambergris Caye Elementary School, San Pedro Roman Catholic School, The Island Academy, New Horizon Seventh-day Adventist School, Holy Cross Anglican School, Brighter Tomorrow Preschool, and La Isla Bonita Elementary School will determine the students in most need. The handing over of shoes is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13th.
If you are interested in donating, you may contact Regina Munji at [email protected] or call 669-6277. You may also call SPTC Sports Coordinator, Kent Gabourel at 604-9013.

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