The San Pedro Kids Club is a new after-school program being introduced to La Isla Bonita on Monday, October 3rd. Spearheaded by Founder Brittney O’Daniel, the club will take place after school hours at the Honorable Louis Sylvestre Complex. To help with the initiative, Blue Water Grill made the club the August recipient of their monthly donation program. O’Daniel received $1,612 to purchase sporting equipment that will be used to keep the kids active. She thanks BWG for their generous donation!
O’Daniel has stated that the kids club is seeking volunteers to help coach, tutor, or assist in arts and crafts from Monday to Thursday, 2:30PM to 5:30PM. A general volunteer meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 27th. To sign up or for more details on how you can volunteer, you may contact O’Daniel at 630-1241.
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