There is no shortage of helping hands on La Isla Bonita and they were at it again during a coin drive and telethon held to assist Nurse Natalie Hancock Palen on Friday, May 20th. Nurse Palen recently broke her neck and had to have critical surgery in Belize City. Unfortunately, Palen does not have health insurance and her medical bills are extensive. Known throughout Ambergris Caye for delivering over 1,000 babies, Palen has spent countless days and nights assisting townspeople in need. It was time for residents of La Isla Bonita to give back.
On Friday morning, students from Isla Bonita Elementary School and two volunteers dedicated their morning to street collections. Between the coin drive, and a telethon hosted by Reef Radio, $6,641 was raised. In the previous week, $5,384 had been collected from individuals and businesses, amounting to a little over $12,000.
A personal pledge badge drive was also initiated to help raise funds. The badge has a photo of Nurse Palen, and are sold for $10 at the following locations: Belizean Arts, The Greenhouse, Caye Supplies, AkBol Eco Resort, Castillo’s Hardware, the San Pedro Town Council, San Pedro Hardware, and the Truck Stop. All proceeds from the badge drive are bringing in additional funds, resulting in a total contribution of around $14,000. All proceeds will be used to pay hospital and surgery fees.
San Pedranos have shown generous support for their beloved midwife and nurse, Nurse Palen. A special thanks goes out to Angel Nuñez, Santos Acosta and Nasa Caliz, who managed long hours on the phones during the telethon. A big thanks to Councilor Flora Ancona, who organized the Dollar Drive volunteers; and to Nurse Veronica, who worked hard on fundraising.
Palen and her family are very grateful for the community’s support. A barbecue and raffle are being planned in the coming weeks, to be held at the Lions Den. If you would like make a contribution to Nurse Palen, you can contact Diana Snyder 635-0270.

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