Dear Editor,
We had booked several miles South of San Pedro. We had a 5 minute dirt road drive.
Over and over, we and all other golf cart tourists had to endure speeding vehicles and by masses. Cars, small trucks, large 8 cylinder SUVs and taxis left us behind in dust clouds caused through their speeds of up to 50 miles, all on a dirt road. These drivers had no regards for us and clearly showed no respect for us tourists.
Plus there were large sand trucks again and again, all day, ALL with too high speeds and ALL developing even much more dust. This is not only unhealthy but plainly “disgusting” during a vacation.
Only our 11 year old found that extremely cool: “Mommy, this is like in “Mad Max Fury Road” he smiled when a large sand truck passed us with about double the speed than our golf cart could go, forcing an extremely huge and dense dust cloud on us.
Yes, if just all your tourists would be as young and naive as our boy.
Unfortunately for you, we “the adults” had long decided that such unhealthy conditions we would never want again for another vacation.
We are disgusted about these ugly conditions forced on us defenseless tourists.
But we tourists are not all defenseless: Our ratings on all travel related online media will be our pay back.
We have already planned out next trip to the tropics (Holbox Island, Yucatan Mexico), to a real golf cart island with no cars or trucks during main business hours.
Thank you.
Aaron & Jen
Houston TX

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