Dear Editor,
We are working for one of the larger travel agency in the US and were visiting to promote one of the island’s resorts. In general we were disappointed from the island’s appeal for tourism.
Therefore we were asked to express our expertise.
It is unpleasent to see that the good reputation of La Isla Bonita must have long passed.
To point out: high traffic density and congestions, parking problems, tourist safety especially in town, unusual high commercial truck traffic, pollution, visual ugliness from junk, signage and even with some structures on your island as well as high boat traffic close to swimming areas . . .many things we did noticed on your island were rather disappointing. Visually and by vibe, San Pedro and surroundings transmitted more of a “Little Tijuana” feeling than of attractive vacation town with charm or a desirable tourist destination.
Hol Chan and a reef alone will not be enough to compete in the highly competitive tourism market. I may suggest that there is urgent work to be done and hopefully you will be able to catch up to better standards.
Best of luck,
Salvatore & Petra Palazzolo
RCI, Resort Condominium International LLC
Parsippany, NJ
P.S May I suggest maybe run the Sand Trucks at night when it’s less traffic so the tourists don’t have to sit in the golf cart behind a truck and breath fumes.

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