Blue Water Grill (BWG) and The Phoenix Resort have installed three new swings on the playground set at Central Park. The swings were purchased and installed with funds collected through their November Monthly Donation Program. BWG had earlier donated the wooden playground set in April 2015 complete with swings, but the playground had been vandalized and the swings destroyed. With this latest donation, island children once again have three swings to enjoy at Central Park.
Installed on Tuesday, November 24th, the swings are now ready for our children’s enjoyment. Both BWG and The Phoenix urge residents to take care of the playground and report acts of vandalism. “Thanks to the generosity of our customers and guests at The Phoenix, we purchased and installed new swings at the park! Kids everywhere in the world love swing sets. They don’t care about what the other kids look like, how they’re dressed, what language they’re speaking, or how their parents worship. They just want to have fun and learn stuff and play with other kids,” said BWG.
In November, BWG customers donated $845 while The Phoenix customers donated $798. All donations were matched 100% by the respective establishment reaching a grand total of $3,386. $248 of the funds was used to purchase and install the swing at Central Park and the remained of the money as used to buy toys for The Phoenix’s annual holiday toy drive. The toys will be distributed to the less fortunate children of the island on Christmas morning.
BWG and The Phoenix would like to thank all those patrons who donated towards this worthy cause and encourage everyone to continue contributing to the Monthly Donation Program. Proceeds raised in the month of December will do toward the upgrade of Boca del Rio Park with a new playground set and renovation of the basketball court.

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