On Eagles Wings Ministries (OEWM) is back on the island, and while the main purpose for their visit was the SHINE (Shaping Healthy Identities through Nurturing Empowerment) and OEWM’s “Sunset to Stars” fundraising dinner, held on Wednesday, November 18th, members still made time to assist the community in other area. Some of the activities held through their visit included a Pastor’s breakfast, board meetings with OEWM San Pedro members, a tour of San Pedro High School (SPHS), visit to Social Services and story telling time with ABC Preschool.
In addition to the visit to SPHS, OEWM also donated several supplies to the school counselor to be used in her work with the students. Donated supplies included posters, journals, inspirational books and stress relief balls. Another memorable activity was their visit to the San Pedro Police Station, where OEWM members spoke to Officer in Charge of the Coastal Executive Unit, Superintendent Sandra Bodden and presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation. A certificate of appreciation was also presented the San Pedro Fire Department.
The OEWM team in San Pedro was led by Emily Fitchpatrick. The OEWM Belize Board is made up of Michelle Nunez, Clive Welsh of Lighthouse Radio, Eric Maas of Seek-Serve-Save and Attorney Andrea McSweaney. OEWM is a non-profit organization based out of Charlotte, North Carolina, USA with a mission to help women and girls who have been sexually exploited.

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