Dear Editor,
As a resident of San Pedro Town for past years, there are inconveniences that from time to time affect the people of this community but one thing I am noting is the lack of Automated Teller Machines by Atlantic Bank Limited. This Bank operates on one ATM for an island of about 20,000 citizens. There are countless times that our people are inconvenienced by it either, not having any money or just plain shortage of ATM’s on the island.
On behalf of the people of this community, we are rallying to the cause for the bank to at least include a second one (more will be better). It is a huge inconvenience as people get off work tired and it is depressing that one has to wait in a long line, many a times in the hot sun, just to find out that there is no cash on most times.
We are hoping that something can be done to provide some type of relief for our hard working people of this island, who are contributing, productive citizens.
I humbly thank you for your kind support in allowing me a space in your prestigious news media source to share my sentiments on behalf of the community at large.
Yours in Community,
Lizette Alamina-Gutierrez (Mrs.)

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